August 20, 2024

How to use Looker Studio: complete guide for beginners

How to use Looker Studio: complete guide for beginners

Looker Studio, previously known as Google Data Studio, is a powerful tool that enables users to create interactive and shareable dashboards. These dashboards are designed to help businesses and individuals make data-driven decisions by providing insights through visual representations of information. This guide aims to give beginners a comprehensive overview of Looker Studio, focusing on its features, benefits, and step-by-step instructions.

What is Looker Studio?

Looker Studio is a cloud-based data visualization platform designed to help users connect, visualize, and share data from a variety of sources. Its robust integration capabilities make it a versatile tool, supporting multiple data sources such as Google Ads, BigQuery, Google Analytics 4, Google Sheets, and YouTube Analytics. This extensive compatibility allows users to create detailed and dynamic reports, making Looker Studio an essential tool for data-driven decision-making.

Key features

Looker Studio boasts several standout features that enhance its value as a data visualization and reporting tool. Here are some of its key features:

  • Data Integration: Looker Studio supports over 730 connectors, enabling users to import data from a wide range of sources into one cohesive platform.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Users can craft interactive charts, tables, and diagrams to visualize data and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time.
  • Collaboration: The platform facilitates collaboration by allowing users to share reports with colleagues, stakeholders, and clients, while managing access rights and editing permissions effectively.
  • Templates: Looker Studio offers a library of customizable dashboard templates, streamlining the process of creating professional-looking reports.

Getting started with Looker Studio

Embarking on your journey with Looker Studio is straightforward and involves creating an account, familiarizing yourself with the interface, connecting your data sources, and crafting your first report. This section provides a step-by-step guide to help you get started effortlessly.

Step 1: Creating an account

To use Looker Studio, you need a Google account. If you don't already have one, you can create a free Gmail account. Once you have your Google account ready, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Looker Studio website at
  2. Click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner.
  3. Log in with your Google credentials.

After logging in, you will be directed to the Looker Studio homepage, where you can start creating reports.

Step 2: Navigating the interface

The Looker Studio interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Here are the main sections you need to know:

  • Left Menu: This menu provides quick access to create new reports, manage data sources, and explore features. You can also view shared reports, manage your own reports, and access deleted reports in the trash.
  • Tools Menu: Located at the top, this menu includes options to view all your reports, manage data sources, and explore data without modifying existing reports.
  • Search Bar: Positioned at the top, the search bar allows you to quickly find reports by their names.

Step 3: Connecting data sources

Connecting your data sources is crucial in using Looker Studio. Follow these instructions to connect your data:

  1. From the Looker Studio homepage, click on “+ Create” and select “Data Source”.
  2. Select the desired connector, such as Google Analytics.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions to access your data.
  4. Choose the account, project, and dataset you want to use.
  5. Click "Connect" in the upper right corner. Your data will be loaded automatically into Looker Studio.

Step 4: Creating a report

Once your data source is connected, you can start crafting your report. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the "Create Blank Report" button to open the report editor.
  2. Use the toolbar to add various visual elements, such as charts, tables, and diagrams.
  3. Customize these elements by selecting data fields and applying filters as needed.

How do I add a chart to my report?

Adding a chart to your report is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Add a Chart" in the toolbar.
  2. Select the type of chart you want to add.
  3. Drag and drop the chart onto the canvas.
  4. Customize the chart by selecting the appropriate data fields and applying any necessary filters and metrics.

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to creating insightful and interactive reports with Looker Studio. The next sections will delve deeper into building visualizations and creating interactive dashboards to enhance your data analysis capabilities.

Building visualizations

Creating powerful visualizations is at the heart of Looker Studio's capabilities. By mastering the art of building visualizations, you can turn complex data into easily digestible insights. This section will guide you through the different types of visualizations available, as well as how to add and customize them to suit your specific needs.

Types of visualizations

Looker Studio offers a wide array of visualization types, each designed to present data in a unique and insightful manner. Here are some of the key visualization types you can use:




Display data in a tabular format, making it easy to compare rows and columns.


Highlight key metrics and KPIs, providing a quick overview of important data points.

Time series charts

Visualize trends over time, allowing you to track changes and patterns.

Bar charts

Compare data across different categories using horizontal or vertical bars.

Pie charts

Show the distribution of data in a circular format, useful for illustrating proportions.

Geographic charts

Map data geographically to identify regional trends and patterns.

Adding and customizing visualizations

Once you are familiar with the types of visualizations, the next step is to add them to your reports and customize them to meet your needs. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select a visualization type: Click on "Add a Chart" in the toolbar and choose the type of chart or table you want to add.
  2. Drag and drop: Drag the selected visualization onto the canvas where you want it to appear.
  3. Customize data fields: Select the data fields that you want to display in the visualization. You can choose dimensions and metrics that are relevant to your analysis.
  4. Apply filters: Use filters to refine the data displayed in your visualization. Filters help you focus on specific subsets of data by excluding irrelevant information.
  5. Format the visualization: Customize the appearance of your visualization by adjusting colors, fonts, and other formatting options to ensure it aligns with your report’s theme and is easy to understand.

How do I add a chart to my report?

Adding a chart to your report in Looker Studio is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on "Add a Chart" in the toolbar at the top of the report editor.
  2. Choose the type of chart you want to add from the dropdown menu.
  3. Drag the chart onto the canvas and place it in the desired location.
  4. Select the data fields for the chart. For example, you might choose a date field for the x-axis and a metric for the y-axis in a time series chart.
  5. Adjust the chart’s settings, such as applying filters or changing the color scheme, to fit your needs.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a variety of visualizations that provide clear and actionable insights from your data. The next sections will explore how to make these visualizations interactive, allowing users to dynamically explore the data.

Creating interactive dashboards

Interactive dashboards are a standout feature of Looker Studio, offering users the ability to dynamically explore data and uncover deep insights. By incorporating interactive elements such as filters, date range controls, and drill-downs, dashboards become more engaging and informative. This section will guide you through the process of creating interactive dashboards that enable meaningful interactions with your data.

Adding filters

Filters are essential for allowing users to narrow down the data displayed in a dashboard based on specific criteria. By implementing filters, you can create a more tailored and relevant data exploration experience. Here’s how to add filters to your dashboard:

  1. Select a filter control: In the toolbar, click on "Add a Control" and choose the type of filter control you want to use, such as a dropdown list or a checkbox.
  2. Place the filter control: Drag and drop the filter control onto your dashboard canvas.
  3. Configure the filter: Select the data field that the filter will control. For example, you might choose a category field to filter products.
  4. Apply the filter: Customize the filter settings, such as setting default values or adjusting the appearance, to fit your dashboard’s needs.

Date range controls

Date range controls are another interactive element that allows users to view data over different time periods. This can be particularly useful for tracking trends and comparing performance over time. Follow these steps to add date range controls to your dashboard:

  1. Select a date range control: In the toolbar, click on "Add a Control" and choose "Date Range Control".
  2. Place the control: Drag and drop the date range control onto your dashboard canvas.
  3. Link to data: Configure the date range control to link it to the relevant date field in your data source.
  4. Customize the control: Adjust the appearance and default date range settings to ensure it provides the most useful time frame for users.


Drill-downs enable users to interact with visualizations by exploring data at different levels of detail. This feature is particularly useful for breaking down high-level metrics into more granular insights. Here’s how to enable drill-downs in your visualizations:

  1. Select a visualization: Choose the chart or table where you want to enable drill-down functionality.
  2. Enable drill-down: In the chart’s settings panel, look for the drill-down option and toggle it on.
  3. Configure drill-down levels: Define the hierarchy of data fields that users can drill down through. For example, you might set up a drill-down from country to state to city.
  4. Test the drill-down: Interact with the visualization to ensure the drill-down functionality works as expected and provides meaningful insights.

By incorporating these interactive elements into your Looker Studio dashboards, you can create a more engaging and informative data experience for your users. The next section will explore how to share your reports and manage collaboration effectively.

Sharing and collaborating

Effective collaboration and sharing are crucial elements of Looker Studio, enabling teams to work together seamlessly and make informed decisions. This section covers how to share reports and manage access rights, ensuring that your data remains secure while being accessible to those who need it.

Sharing reports

Looker Studio makes it easy to share reports with team members, clients, or stakeholders. The platform offers flexible options to control access and permissions, ensuring that everyone has the right level of access. Here’s how you can share your reports:

  1. Open the report: Navigate to the report you wish to share.
  2. Click on "Share": Find the "Share" button in the upper right corner of the report editor.
  3. Enter email addresses: Input the email addresses of the people you want to share the report with.
  4. Set access levels: Choose the appropriate access level—either "Can View" or "Can Edit"—to control what actions the recipients can perform.
  5. Send the invitation: Click on "Send" to share the report. The recipients will receive an email notification with a link to the report.

Managing access rights

Managing access rights is essential to ensure that only authorized individuals can view or edit your reports. Looker Studio provides detailed control over access permissions to help maintain data security and integrity. Follow these steps to manage access rights:

  1. Open access management: Go to the report you want to manage and click on the "Share" button.
  2. Click on "Advanced": In the sharing settings, click on the "Advanced" link to view the full list of people with access.
  3. Adjust permissions: Modify the access level for each person by selecting "Can View" or "Can Edit" as needed.
  4. Remove access: To revoke access, click on the "X" next to the person's name.
  5. Save changes: Ensure you save any changes to update the access settings.

How do I share a report securely?

Sharing a report securely involves several steps to ensure that only the intended recipients have access and that your data remains protected. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Use strong passwords: Ensure that your Google account is protected with a strong password and two-factor authentication.
  2. Grant minimum necessary permissions: Only give "Can Edit" permissions to users who need to modify the report; others should have "Can View" access.
  3. Regularly review access: Periodically check who has access to your reports and revoke permissions for users who no longer need access.
  4. Use secure email communication: When sharing reports, ensure that you are sending invitations to verified and trusted email addresses.

By following these guidelines, you can share and collaborate on Looker Studio reports effectively, ensuring that your data is both accessible to those who need it and secure from unauthorized access.

Advanced features

While Looker Studio is user-friendly for beginners, it also boasts a range of advanced features that can significantly enhance data visualization and reporting capabilities. These advanced functionalities allow users to perform more complex data manipulations, create custom metrics, and integrate unique visual elements. This section will dive into some of these advanced features, providing insights on how to leverage them effectively.

Data blending

Data blending is a powerful feature in Looker Studio that allows you to combine data from multiple sources into a single chart or table. This is particularly useful when you need to create comprehensive reports that draw insights from various datasets. Here’s how to blend data in Looker Studio:

  1. Select primary data source: Start by creating a chart using your primary data source.
  2. Add secondary data source: In the chart’s data panel, click on "Blend Data" and select a secondary data source.
  3. Define join keys: Specify the fields that will be used to join the data from the two sources. These fields should have common values to ensure accurate blending.
  4. Configure metrics and dimensions: Choose the metrics and dimensions from both data sources that you want to include in your blended chart.
  5. Apply filters: Add any necessary filters to focus on the relevant data for your analysis.

Calculated fields

Calculated fields enable you to create new metrics and dimensions based on existing data. This feature is essential for generating custom insights and performing specific calculations that are not available in the original data. Follow these steps to create a calculated field:

  1. Open data source editor: Go to the data source editor by clicking on the data source name in your report.
  2. Add a new field: Click on "Add a Field" to create a new calculated field.
  3. Enter formula: Input the formula for your calculated field. For example, you might use a formula to calculate the conversion rate by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors.
  4. Save and apply: Save your new field and use it in your reports and charts as needed.

Custom visualizations

Looker Studio allows you to go beyond the standard library of visualizations by using custom visualizations. These can be created using community visualizations and additional components, providing unique and tailored visual elements for your reports. Follow these steps to add a custom visualization:

  1. Access community visualizations: Click on "Add a Chart" and select "Community Visualizations".
  2. Browse available visualizations: Explore the gallery of visualizations created by the Looker Studio community.
  3. Select and add: Choose the visualization that fits your needs and add it to your report.
  4. Configure data fields: Customize the visualization by selecting the relevant data fields and adjusting the settings as required.

How do I create a custom visualization from scratch?

Creating a custom visualization from scratch requires some coding knowledge, usually in JavaScript, and familiarity with the Looker Studio API. Here’s an outline of the process:

  1. Set up development environment: Ensure you have a suitable environment for developing JavaScript-based visualizations. This might include a code editor and local server setup.
  2. Write the visualization code: Develop your custom visualization code using JavaScript, adhering to the specifications provided by Looker Studio.
  3. Upload the visualization: Once your code is ready, upload it to Looker Studio using the community visualization feature.
  4. Test and debug: Test your custom visualization within Looker Studio to ensure it functions correctly and debug any issues that arise.
  5. Deploy and use: Once satisfied with the custom visualization, deploy it and start using it in your reports.

By leveraging these advanced features, you can significantly enhance the functionality and depth of your Looker Studio reports, making them more insightful and tailored to your specific needs.

Benefits of using Looker Studio



Time Savings

Automates data collection and report generation, reducing the need for manual data preparation.

Real-Time Insights

Enables users to monitor KPIs and metrics in real-time, making timely and informed decisions.


Allows multiple users to work on reports simultaneously, facilitating team and organizational decision-making.


Offers extensive customization options to tailor reports and dashboards to meet specific needs.


Handles large datasets and complex visualizations, suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Looker Studio offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance how businesses and individuals handle data visualization and reporting. These benefits range from time savings to real-time insights, making Looker Studio a versatile and powerful tool for data-driven decision-making. Let's explore some of these key benefits in detail.

Time savings

One of the most significant benefits of using Looker Studio is the substantial time savings it offers. By automating the data collection and report generation processes, Looker Studio eliminates the need for manual data preparation. Here's how it saves time:

  • Automated Data Integration: With over 730 connectors, Looker Studio automatically pulls data from various sources, reducing the need for manual data entry.
  • Ready-to-Use Templates: The platform provides a gallery of customizable templates, allowing users to quickly create reports without starting from scratch.
  • Quick Updates: Any changes in the data sources are automatically reflected in the reports, ensuring they are always up-to-date.

Real-time insights

Looker Studio enables users to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics in real-time, which is crucial for making timely and informed decisions. Here are some ways it provides real-time insights:

  • Live Data Connections: Data from connected sources is updated in real-time, allowing users to view the most current information.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Users can interact with the dashboards to filter data, view trends, and drill down into specific details as needed.
  • Custom Alerts: Set up alerts to notify users when certain thresholds or conditions are met, ensuring they stay informed about critical changes.


Collaboration is made easy with Looker Studio, as it allows multiple users to work on reports simultaneously. This feature is particularly beneficial for teams and organizations that rely on shared insights for decision-making. Here’s how Looker Studio facilitates collaboration:

  • Shared Access: Reports can be shared with colleagues, stakeholders, or clients, with customizable access levels to control who can view or edit the content.
  • Commenting and Feedback: Users can leave comments and feedback directly on the reports, promoting an interactive and collaborative environment.
  • Version Control: Keep track of changes and revisions to ensure that everyone is working with the most recent and accurate data.


Looker Studio offers extensive customization options that allow users to tailor their reports and dashboards to meet specific needs. The ability to customize enhances the relevance and effectiveness of the reports. Here are some customization features:

  • Flexible Data Fields: Select and customize data fields to display the most relevant information for your analysis.
  • Visual Formatting: Adjust colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand or to highlight key insights effectively.
  • Custom Metrics: Create calculated fields and custom metrics to generate unique insights that are specific to your business needs.


Looker Studio is designed to handle large datasets and complex visualizations, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, Looker Studio can scale to meet your data visualization needs. Here's how it achieves scalability:

  • Robust Infrastructure: Being a cloud-based platform, Looker Studio leverages Google's robust infrastructure to ensure high performance and reliability.
  • Multi-Source Integration: The ability to blend and combine data from multiple sources allows for comprehensive and scalable reporting.
  • Advanced Features: Features such as data blending, calculated fields, and custom visualizations enable users to handle complex data and generate detailed reports.

By leveraging these benefits, Looker Studio empowers users to make data-driven decisions with greater efficiency and accuracy. Its powerful features and user-friendly interface make it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to harness the power of data visualization.

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Luis Pereira