Instagram Insights reporting tool

Instagram Insights reporting tool | Free Trial | Reporting Ninja
Engage your clients with intuitive Instagram Insights reports designed in minutes

Take your Instagram Insights reports to a higher level and put them in autopilot mode.

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Start saving Time

Automate your Instagram Insights reports in 3 destinations paying one single plan

Sign up for a 15 days free trial. No credit card required.

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UNIFIED data connections

Instagram Insights report template

A common practice is building a template for each of your standard reports that you commonly use for most of your customers. This way you can save a valuable time every time you make a new customer.

With our Instagram Insights reporting tool, templates make it easier to maintain the template based reports, as modifications are just made once in the template.

Report creation using a template in Reporting NInja
Instagram custom report
Instagram custom report

Track Instagram performance

With our Instagram Insights integration you can easily monitor new followers over time, so your clients can understand how their Instagram audiences grow.

Adjust your Instagram reports including the level of detail required by your clients.

UNIFIED data connections

Understand followers demographics

Learn more about the followers engaging with your clients Instagram business profiles. View the locations, languages, gender and age groups of the followers base.

This level of Instagram business reporting allows you to fine-tune your strategy and improve the engagement level by learning more about the audiences.

Instagram custom report
Instagram custom report
Instagram custom report

Measure posts performance

Easily identify the posts with the highest reach and engagement, and share them with your clients.

Know the content that works best with your clients followers and take your campaigns to the next level.

How Reporting NInja can help

Why use Reporting Ninja for your Instagram Insights reports

Start your report automation journey with Reporting Ninja.

Realy easy to use

Build beautiful and engaging reports in just a few clicks simply by dragging & dropping the blocks of contents that you need. With our intuitive report editor you can see how your report looks like while you are working on it.

Fully customizable

Besides the widget library, you can exactly create the piece of content you are looking for, with the needed combination of dimensions and metrics, the type of chart you want, apply custom filters, etc. An intuitive wizard will assist you when creating custom widgets.

Scheduled reports

Schedule your reports and save a valuable time every week or month. Let Reporting Ninja email directly to your clients the reports that they need.

Custom branding

Add your or your client's logo and apply brand colors, fonts, and graph styles. Enhance with cover pages or contents tables.

Client portal access

You can share your reports via PDF and / or you can enable your own branded client portal on a custom domain, so your clients can log in and access their reports whenever they want to.

Multi language reports

You can send your clients their reports in their native language by using any of the 16 language files available or creating your own custom one.