August 6, 2024

How to create dashboards in Looker Studio step by step

How to create dashboards in Looker Studio step by step

Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) is your gateway to transforming raw data into actionable insights through visually compelling dashboards. Whether you're a marketing guru, a sales whiz, or a business analyst, Looker Studio offers a free and powerful solution for data visualization and storytelling. This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through every step of the dashboard creation process, from data connection to final touches.

Step 1: Laying the foundation – data connection and preparation

  • Access Looker Studio: Begin your Looker Studio journey by logging into your Google account and navigating to the platform. If you're new to Looker Studio, creating a Google account is a straightforward process that will grant you access to this powerful tool.
  • Create a New Report: Once you're in Looker Studio, click on the prominent "Create" button to initiate a new project. Select "Report" from the options presented, and you'll be greeted with a blank canvas – your workspace for crafting a visually compelling dashboard.
  • Connect Your Data Sources: The heart of any Looker Studio dashboard lies in the data it presents. Looker Studio seamlessly integrates with a wide array of popular data sources. Whether your data resides in Google Analytics for tracking website performance, Google Sheets for storing manually collected information, BigQuery for managing massive datasets, or other databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, Looker Studio offers a connector to streamline the process. Simply click on the appropriate connector and follow the intuitive prompts to authorize access.
  • Select Your Data: With your data sources connected, it's time to pinpoint the specific datasets or tables you want to incorporate into your dashboard. Looker Studio's flexibility allows you to select multiple data sources and even blend them to create a unified view.
  • Explore and Understand Your Data: Before diving into the design phase, take a moment to thoroughly explore your data. Familiarize yourself with the dimensions (categorical data such as dates, countries, or campaign names) and metrics (numerical data like sessions, revenue, or conversions) available. Understanding the structure and nuances of your data is essential for making informed decisions about the most effective visualizations.
  • Clean and Transform Data (Optional): While not always necessary, consider whether your data requires any cleaning or transformation before proceeding. Looker Studio offers built-in tools for handling common tasks like removing duplicates or filling in missing values. For more complex transformations, external platforms like Google Sheets can be leveraged to calculate new metrics or reshape your data. This step ensures the accuracy and reliability of the insights your dashboard will ultimately convey.

By meticulously completing these initial steps, you lay a solid foundation for crafting a Looker Studio dashboard that not only looks impressive but also delivers meaningful, data-driven narratives.

Step 2: Crafting the blueprint – dashboard planning

Define Clear Objectives: Before you start designing your dashboard, it's crucial to establish its core purpose. Ask yourself:

  • What are the burning questions this dashboard should answer?
  • What insights are most valuable to the decision-makers who will be using it?
  • Are you trying to track progress towards specific goals, identify emerging trends, or compare performance across different segments?

Clearly defining your objectives from the outset will serve as a guiding light throughout the dashboard creation process.

Identify Your Target Audience: Your dashboard should be tailored to the specific needs of its viewers. Consider who they are and what they hope to gain from the data.

  • Executives: If your audience includes executives, focus on high-level metrics and trends that give them a quick snapshot of overall performance.
  • Marketers: Marketing teams often need granular data to analyze campaign effectiveness, track conversions, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Sales Teams: For sales professionals, revenue figures, sales pipeline status, and customer acquisition data are paramount.

Understanding your audience allows you to prioritize the most relevant information and tailor the dashboard's presentation accordingly.

Choose the Right Visualizations: Data visualization is a powerful tool for communicating complex information effectively. Selecting the right charts and graphs is key to conveying your message clearly. Here's a brief guide to help you choose:

  • Scorecards: Use these to highlight single, critical metrics that need immediate attention, such as total revenue or website traffic.
  • Bar Charts: Ideal for comparing values across different categories, like sales figures for different products or regions.
  • Line Charts: Perfect for visualizing trends over time, such as website traffic growth or changes in customer sentiment.
  • Pie Charts: Use these sparingly to show the proportions of a whole, like market share distribution.
  • Geo Maps: If your data has a geographical component, geo maps can provide valuable insights into regional performance.
  • Tables: For detailed data analysis, tables offer a structured way to present numerical information.

Remember, the goal is to choose visualizations that make your data easy to understand and interpret at a glance.

Design an Intuitive Layout: A well-designed dashboard guides the viewer's eye and tells a story. Sketch a rough layout that prioritizes the most important information and arranges elements in a logical flow. Consider using visual cues like headers, dividers, and color to group related information. The goal is to create a visually appealing and user-friendly dashboard that encourages exploration and discovery.

Step 3: Bringing your vision to life – dashboard design in Looker Studio

  1. Choose a Theme: The visual appeal of your dashboard plays a significant role in how users perceive and interact with your data. Looker Studio offers a range of pre-designed themes that you can choose from. Each theme provides a curated selection of background colors, font styles, and overall aesthetics. Alternatively, you can create a custom theme to align with your brand's visual identity or personal preferences. A well-chosen theme enhances the user experience and ensures a consistent look and feel throughout your dashboard.
  1. Add Shapes and Elements: Shapes are versatile design elements that can elevate your dashboard's visual appeal and organization. Use rectangles to create distinct sections or highlight key areas. Lines can serve as dividers, guiding the viewer's eye and separating different parts of your dashboard. You can also incorporate other shapes like circles or arrows to draw attention to specific data points or trends. Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes and their placement to achieve a balanced and visually engaging layout.
  2. Craft Informative Titles: Clear and concise titles are essential for ensuring that your dashboard is easy to navigate and understand. Each chart, graph, and section should have a descriptive title that accurately reflects its content. Avoid using overly technical jargon or acronyms that might confuse your audience. Instead, opt for straightforward language that conveys the key message of each visualization. Titles should be prominently displayed and easy to read at a glance, helping users quickly grasp the insights presented in your dashboard.

Step 4: Unveiling insights – building charts and visualizations

  1. Add Interactive Filters: One of the most powerful features of Looker Studio is the ability to add interactive filters to your dashboard. Filters empower users to slice and dice the data, exploring specific time periods, categories, or other dimensions relevant to their interests. For example, you could add a date range filter to allow users to see how metrics have changed over time, or a category filter to focus on specific product lines or customer segments. By providing interactive filters, you give users the freedom to delve deeper into the data and uncover personalized insights.
  1. Create KPIs: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the most critical metrics that drive your business or project. To ensure they stand out in your dashboard, consider using specialized visualizations like scorecards, gauges, or bullet charts. Scorecards prominently display a single metric value, often accompanied by a target or comparison value. Gauges visually represent progress towards a goal, while bullet charts combine a bar chart with target and qualitative ranges for quick assessment. By visually highlighting KPIs, you help users quickly grasp the most important information and identify areas that require attention.
  1. Build Charts: Looker Studio offers a wide array of chart types to suit your data and objectives. From bar charts for comparing categories to line charts for visualizing trends, the possibilities are vast. The platform's intuitive chart editor makes it easy to create and customize your visualizations. Experiment with different chart types, colors, fonts, axis labels, and data point styles to find the perfect combination that clearly and effectively communicates your insights. Don't hesitate to leverage Looker Studio's rich customization options to ensure your charts are not only informative but also visually appealing.

Step 5: Polishing the gem – finalizing your dashboard

  1. Refine the Layout: With all your charts and filters in place, it's time to refine your dashboard's visual presentation. Take a step back and critically assess the layout. Are the elements well-organized? Does the information flow logically? Make meticulous adjustments to the placement, size, and alignment of each component. Strive for a balanced composition that is both visually pleasing and easy to read. Remember, a well-designed dashboard is not just about aesthetics; it's about facilitating the effortless understanding of complex information.
  2. Test Interactivity: Thorough testing is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience. Take the time to interact with every element of your dashboard, including filters, dropdowns, and any other interactive components. Verify that they function as expected, respond promptly to user input, and provide accurate results. Address any bugs or inconsistencies you encounter, as even minor glitches can detract from the overall user experience. By thoroughly testing your dashboard, you build confidence in its reliability and ensure that it delivers on its promise of insightful data visualization.
  1. Share Your Masterpiece: Once you're satisfied with your dashboard's functionality and appearance, it's time to share it with the world. Looker Studio offers a variety of sharing options to suit your needs. You can embed your dashboard directly onto a website or share it via a link, granting access to specific individuals or teams. Consider the preferences and access levels of your intended audience when choosing a sharing method. By sharing your masterpiece, you empower others to gain valuable insights from your data and make informed decisions based on those insights.

Ready to take your data analysis to the next level? Sign up now for a free trial of Reporting Ninja and experience the full power of our tools. Plus, don't miss out on our Looker Studio connectors to streamline your reporting process. Start today and transform your data into actionable insights!

Javier Pozo