July 23, 2024

Facebook ads best practices for 2024: maximize your ROI

Facebook ads best practices for 2024: maximize your ROI

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Facebook Ads continue to be a powerhouse for businesses looking to reach their target audience effectively. As we move into 2024, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and implement the latest best practices to maximize your return on investment (ROI). This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential strategies and techniques to optimize your Facebook Ad campaigns for success in the coming year.

Why best practices are essential

Facebook's massive user base of over 3 billion active users makes it an invaluable platform for advertisers. However, with great potential comes great competition. To stand out and achieve remarkable results, it's essential to understand and implement the most up-to-date best practices for Facebook Ads.

Following best practices ensures that your ads are not only seen by the right people but also resonate with them, leading to higher engagement rates and, ultimately, better ROI. As Facebook's algorithms and user behaviors continue to evolve, staying informed and adapting your strategies is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the digital advertising landscape.

Understanding the latest algorithm changes

Facebook's algorithms are constantly updating to enhance user experience and improve ad delivery. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for advertisers looking to maximize their campaign performance.

Key updates for 2024

In 2024, Facebook's algorithms are placing even greater emphasis on user engagement and relevance. This means that ads that generate meaningful interactions, such as comments, shares, and clicks, are more likely to be shown to a wider audience. Additionally, the platform is prioritizing ads that provide value to users, whether through informative content, entertainment, or solutions to their problems.

Another significant update is the increased focus on video content. Facebook's algorithms are favoring video ads, especially those that capture attention quickly and maintain viewer engagement throughout. Advertisers who adapt to these changes by creating compelling, value-driven video content are likely to see improved ad performance and ROI.

Targeting the right audience

One of the most powerful features of Facebook Ads is its advanced targeting capabilities. In 2024, leveraging these tools effectively is more important than ever for reaching your ideal customers and maximizing your ad spend.

Advanced targeting techniques

To make the most of Facebook's targeting options, consider implementing the following techniques:

  1. Interest-based targeting: Go beyond basic demographics and target users based on their interests, behaviors, and recent interactions with similar content.
  2. Custom audiences: Utilize your existing customer data to create custom audiences for retargeting campaigns or to exclude current customers from acquisition-focused ads.
  1. Detailed targeting expansion: Allow Facebook's AI to find additional users who are likely to convert, based on your initial targeting parameters.
  2. Location-based targeting: For businesses with physical locations or region-specific offerings, use geotargeting to reach users in specific areas.

Leveraging tookalike audiences

Lookalike audiences are a powerful tool for expanding your reach to new potential customers who share similarities with your existing high-value customers. To effectively use lookalike audiences in 2024:

  1. Create a source audience of your best customers based on lifetime value, purchase frequency, or engagement level.
  2. Experiment with different audience sizes, starting with a 1% lookalike (most similar to your source audience) and expanding as needed.
  3. Regularly update your source audience to ensure your lookalike audiences remain relevant and effective.

Creating high-performing ad creatives

In the competitive landscape of Facebook Ads, compelling ad creatives are essential for capturing attention and driving engagement. Here are some best practices for crafting effective ad copy and visuals in 2024.

Best practices for ad copy

  1. Keep it concise: With users' attention spans shorter than ever, aim for clear, punchy copy that delivers your message quickly.
  2. Use power words: Incorporate words that evoke emotion or create urgency to encourage action.
  3. Personalize when possible: Use dynamic ad copy to tailor your message to specific audience segments.
  4. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA): Tell users exactly what you want them to do next.
  5. Highlight benefits: Focus on how your product or service solves a problem or improves the user's life.

Designing effective visuals

  1. Embrace video content: As mentioned earlier, video ads are increasingly favored by Facebook's algorithms. Create short, engaging videos that capture attention within the first few seconds.
  2. Use high-quality images: Ensure your visuals are crisp, clear, and visually appealing.
  3. Maintain brand consistency: Use colors, fonts, and styles that align with your brand identity.
  4. Incorporate user-generated content: Authentic content from real users can boost credibility and engagement.
  5. Test different formats: Experiment with single image ads, carousels, and collections to see what works best for your audience.

Choosing the right ad formats

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats, each with its own strengths. Selecting the right format for your campaign objectives can significantly impact your ad performance:

Photo ads

Photo ads are a classic and straightforward format that remains effective in 2024. They are perfect for creating a quick visual impact and work well in a variety of contexts. Best practices for photo ads include:

  • Use high-quality, visually appealing images that grab attention
  • Keep your message concise and clear, with a strong call to action
  • Align the image with your brand identity and campaign goals
  • Test different images to see what resonates best with your audience

Stories ads

Stories ads offer a full-screen, vertical format that allows for immersive content. Given the popularity of the Stories feature across social platforms, these ads are highly effective for reaching a broad audience, especially on mobile devices. Key advantages of Stories ads include:

  • Capturing attention quickly with engaging, dynamic content
  • Utilizing interactive features like polls, stickers, or swipe-ups to drive engagement
  • Keeping content brief and to the point, as Stories disappear after 24 hours
  • Creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers or promotions

Messenger ads

Messenger ads allow businesses to reach users directly in their Messenger inbox. These ads are effective for:

  • Starting direct conversations with potential customers
  • Offering personalized customer support or answering questions about products/services
  • Promoting limited-time offers or events that benefit from immediate interaction

Video ads

Video ads continue to dominate in 2024, offering high engagement rates and versatility. Best practices for video ads include:

  • Keep videos short (15-30 seconds) to maintain viewer attention
  • Use captions, as many users watch videos without sound
  • Create a strong opening to hook viewers in the first few seconds
  • Include your brand message early in the video

Carousel ads

Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple products or tell a story across several images or videos. They're particularly effective for:

  • E-commerce businesses displaying product ranges
  • Demonstrating features or benefits of a service
  • Telling a brand story or explaining a process step-by-step

Collection ads

Collection ads are ideal for mobile users, providing an immersive, full-screen experience. They work well for:

  • Showcasing products in a visually appealing way
  • Creating a seamless shopping experience from ad to purchase
  • Highlighting different aspects of a single product or service

Slideshow ads

Slideshow ads are a lightweight alternative to video ads, using a series of images, text, and sound to create an engaging experience. They are particularly effective for:

  • Businesses with limited video production resources, as they are easier and cheaper to produce
  • Reaching audiences with slower internet connections, as slideshow ads use less data than video ads
  • Telling a story or showing a progression, similar to a carousel ad but in a more dynamic format

Instant experience (formerly canvas) ads

Instant Experience ads provide an immersive, full-screen experience that loads instantly when users interact with them. They are designed to keep users engaged with your content and are best used for:

  • Delivering a rich, interactive experience that combines videos, photos, carousels, and links
  • Driving deeper engagement by offering a mix of content types in one ad
  • Highlighting a new product launch, a brand story, or a promotional campaign

(captura 03. Ad formats)

Budgeting and bidding strategies

Effective budget management and bidding strategies are crucial for maximizing your ROI on Facebook Ads in 2024.

Setting a realistic budget

  1. Start small and scale: Begin with a modest budget to test and refine your campaigns before increasing spend.
  2. Allocate budget based on performance: Invest more in ad sets and campaigns that show the best results.
  3. Consider lifetime budgets: For campaigns with a specific end date, lifetime budgets can help distribute your spend more evenly.
  4. Use campaign budget optimization: Let Facebook's AI distribute your budget across ad sets for optimal results.

Optimizing your bidding strategy

  1. Choose the right bidding objective: Align your bidding strategy with your campaign goals (e.g., conversions, clicks, impressions).
  2. Experiment with bid caps: Set maximum bids to control costs while still remaining competitive.
  3. Use value-based bidding: For conversion campaigns, bid based on the expected value of each conversion.
  4. Monitor and adjust: Regularly review your bidding performance and make adjustments as needed.

Measuring and analyzing ad performance

To continuously improve your Facebook Ad campaigns, it's essential to track the right metrics and use Facebook's analytics tools effectively.

Key metrics to track

  1. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it.
  2. Conversion Rate: The percentage of people who complete a desired action after clicking on your ad.
  3. Cost Per Click (CPC): The average cost you pay for each click on your ad.
  4. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.
  5. Frequency: How often your ad is shown to the same person.
  6. Relevance Score: Facebook's rating of how relevant your ad is to your target audience.

Using Facebook analytics tools

  1. Facebook Ads Manager: Use this comprehensive tool to track performance, make adjustments, and generate reports.
  2. Facebook Pixel: Implement the Facebook Pixel on your website to track conversions and create retargeting audiences.
  3. Audience Insights: Gain deeper understanding of your audience demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  4. Split Testing: Use Facebook's built-in A/B testing tools to compare different ad elements and strategies.

You can also take your reporting to the next level and put it on autopilot with our Facebook Ads reporting tool.

Tips for continuous improvement

To stay ahead in the fast-paced world of Facebook advertising, continuous optimization is key.

Facebook A/B Testing

  1. Test one element at a time: Isolate variables such as ad copy, images, or targeting to identify what drives performance.
  2. Run tests for sufficient time: Allow enough time and data collection for statistically significant results.
  3. Apply learnings across campaigns: Use insights gained from A/B tests to improve your overall advertising strategy.

Iterative optimizations

  1. Regularly review performance: Set a schedule for reviewing and optimizing your campaigns.
  2. Refresh ad creatives: Prevent ad fatigue by updating your visuals and copy periodically.
  3. Stay informed: Keep up with the latest Facebook Ads updates and industry trends to inform your optimization efforts.
  4. Experiment with new features: Be open to trying new ad formats or targeting options as Facebook introduces them.


As we navigate the complex landscape of Facebook Ads in 2024, implementing these best practices will be crucial for maximizing your ROI. Focus on understanding and adapting to algorithm changes, refining your targeting strategies, creating compelling ad creatives, and continuously measuring and optimizing your campaigns. By staying agile and embracing new features and techniques, you can ensure that your Facebook Ads strategy remains effective and competitive in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

Remember, success with Facebook Ads is an ongoing process of learning, testing, and refining. By consistently applying these best practices and staying attuned to your audience's needs and behaviors, you can achieve remarkable results and drive significant growth for your business in 2024 and beyond.

Manolo Pereira